Live Stats
Our software not only makes inspection easy but also manages various other aspects of your home inspection business. One major feature of our software is the live stats it gives regarding your business.
You can view live statistics of your business any time from anywhere. These statistics include various things such as how many inspections were ordered the past week or how many inspections are scheduled for next week and various other stats of similar sort. You can also view which inspector of your business is doing the most work, and can in turn plan to give him a few days off, keeping your work efficiency intact. Similarly you can monitor which agent is ordering the most inspections and can offer him incentives/client privileges. Live Stats also shows your work by cities, you can use this stat to locate cities where your company isn’t that known, and can try to increase your influence in such target cities.
Besides this, you can monitor your overall accounts within our software. View your receivables and how much money has been received from a particular agent/client. This way you can track orders and their payment statuses. This also helps in calculating your monthly or annual turnover, which would allow you to calculate your profit margins more easily. You can then spot changes that need to be made to the company to increase profits from the inspection business. Stats provide major information to owners of the company on where they currently stand and what they need to do in order to move in a direction they want.
As described earlier, Home Inspector Plus: Home inspection software, is a complete monitor for your business. It helps in running your business by helping with the inspection process itself as well as keeping an overall check on the stats including money transactions, hours worked, favorite clients etc. This software helps the workers who are doing inspections as well as the people in the management who are handling accounts and assigning tasks , so its helpful for everyone in your business.
The ultimate home inspection software
Running a home inspection business has never been easier.